Chernomorets vs Balkan Prediction 10 May 2024

Chernomorets Burgas
Chernomorets Burgas
Balkan Botevgrad
Balkan Botevgrad

Match Preview

🔊An accurate prediction for the confrontation between the teams Chernomorets Burgas and Balkan Botevgrad. The confrontation will take place 10 May at 16:00. Considering all the statistics for the teams, we can conclude, that the match is awaited to be spectacular. Anyway, you can see our prediction just below.

Personal meetings of the opponents

📊We aim to consolidate all relevant data in one spot. To date, the teams have squared off in 19 games: the home team today boasts 6 victories, whereas the visiting team has secured 13 wins.

🏀And the points? The Chernomorets Burgas squad has entertained their supporters by netting 1510 points, while the Balkan Botevgrad team has put up 1589 points.

🏁It's worth mentioning that their latest confrontation occurred on 19 April 2024, with the Chernomorets Burgas team hosting, and the game concluded with a score of 89:90.

Chernomorets Burgas Review

📊The team's recent performances have been a whirlwind of emotions and bright moments. 8 wins and 2 losses – all about perseverance, teamwork, and skill.

🏀The team Chernomorets Burgas showed excellent offensive strategy, scoring 865 points in the past 10 appearances. It is noteworthy that, on average, they scored 86.5 points per game during this stretch. This indicates a high level of preparation and the ability to dominate on the field.

🚧The defense of the team also deserves praise, as they conceded an average of 74.1 points over the same period. These are not just numbers – they reflect hard work, training, and the desire to be better.

❕Each match was a challenge, and the club proved itself worthy. With new challenges ahead, and considering the spirit and resilience shown in past matches, the team is more ready than ever.

Balkan Botevgrad Review

📊Playing away always poses special challenges, but the team Balkan Botevgrad managed to overcome them with dignity, achieving 8 victories in a stretch of 10 matches. These achievements were made possible not only by the individual skills of the players but also by their ability to work as a single organism.

🏀The total number of points scored over the same period – 830 points – highlights the efficiency of the team's attack, which does not lose its potential even in the absence of home support.

🚧The defensive play, with the team averaging 76.3 points conceded, deserves special attention. In away matches, where every detail matters, the club demonstrated high concentration and mutual support.

✅Considering the opinions of bookmakers, namely the odds for the home team - 'Chernomorets Burgas' (), and the away team - 'Balkan Botevgrad' (), as well as relying on our analytics, we can conclude that the bet 'Total points Over(157.5)' seems the most attractive for this match. Our choice is backed by hard facts and statistics, which, by the way, you can use yourself to make your own prediction below.

Bet on Match Chernomorets Burgas vs Balkan Botevgrad: Total points Over(157.5)

Odds: 1.83

Betting Tips: Chernomorets Burgas - Balkan Botevgrad

This block presents the statistical pattern Chernomorets Burgas and Balkan Botevgrad based on the latest games. This allows the user to find out the most likely outcomes in a match.

Results predictions

Chernomorets BurgasChernomorets Burgas has won in 18 of the last 20 home games.
Chernomorets Burgas Win (inc. OT)

Over/Under predictions

Balkan BotevgradBalkan Botevgrad has scored over 76.5 points in 7 of the last 8 NBL away games.
Balkan BotevgradBalkan Botevgrad has scored over 76.5 points in 6 of the last 7 NBL games.
Balkan Botevgrad Total points Over(76.5)
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