Gornik vs Wisla Plock Prediction 2 March 2024

Gornik Zabrze
Gornik Zabrze
Wisla Plock
Wisla Plock

Match Preview

🔊The match between the teams Gornik Zabrze and Wisla Plock is guaranteed to give unforgettable emotions. If you're looking for the most up-to-date statistics for the next event, which will take place as part of the Superliga on 2 March at 14:00, you've come to the right place. Please carefully examine all of the statistics of before making your decision.


Before you is a detailed analysis of the history of H2H between the sides. In total, the home team Gornik Zabrze has 1 wins (0 at home). The team Wisla Plock has won 27 wins times, with 12 of those wins coming away. The last head-to-head meeting between the teams took place in the Superliga tournament on . The match ended with a final score of 26:22. It is worth noting that the average number of points scored by the hosts is 24.7. The guests, on the other hand, score an average of 30.6 point per game.

Gornik Zabrze Review

In the last 10 matches involving the team Gornik Zabrze, the following happened: they achieved 6 victories (4 of them at home), while conceding 3 defeats (1 on their own turf). The previous encounter involving the team was against Wisla Plock in the Superliga tournament. The final score of that game was 22:24. The average points scored per match by the team stopped at 29.7, conceded - 28.5.

Wisla Plock Review

For a more detailed study of the current situation, we recommend reviewing the team statistics of Wisla Plock. They have recorded 8 wins and 2 losses. When playing away, the team has won 2 times and lost 1 times.

In the last match, the team played against Gornik Zabrze in the Superliga tournament. The final score of that match was 22:24. In conclusion, it is worth noting that on average, the away team scores 30.9 goals per match and concedes 23.4 goals.

✅To summarize, we may say that we are anticipating a really fascinating battle between. Gornik Zabrze - Wisla Plock. The statistics we gathered above will assist you in determining the outcome of this event. Remember that before deciding on an outcome, you should consider all relevant information to ensure that your bet wins. Good luck!

Bet on Match Gornik Zabrze vs Wisla Plock: Total goals Under(54.5)

Odds: 1.87*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (1 March 2024, 13:47)

Betting Tips: Gornik Zabrze - Wisla Plock

Results predictions

Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze wins with a handicap of +5.5 in 15 of the last 16 home games.
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze wins with a handicap of +5.5 in each of their last 11 Superliga home games.
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze wins with a handicap of +5.5 in 21 of the last 22 Superliga games.
Gornik Zabrze Handicap(+5.5)
Wisla PlockWisla Plock wins with a handicap of -3.5 in the first half in 8 of the last 9 Superliga games.
1st Half, Wisla Plock Handicap -3.5
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze has won in 12 of the last 14 home games.
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze has won in each of their last 9 Superliga home games.
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze has won in 8 of the last 9 Superliga games.
Gornik Zabrze Win
Wisla PlockWisla Plock has won in 14 of the last 16 games.
Wisla PlockWisla Plock has won in each of their last 22 Superliga games.
Wisla PlockWisla Plock has won in each of their last 11 Superliga away games.
Wisla Plock Win
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