DHC Plzen (W) vs Sokol Poruba (W) Prediction 11 May 2024

DHC Plzen (W)
DHC Plzen (W)
Sokol Poruba (W)
Sokol Poruba (W)

Match Preview

🔊Only a high-quality prediction for the match of the teams DHC Plzen (W) and Sokol Poruba (W). Each sporting event is unique and this match, which will take place as part of the MOL Liga Women on 11 May at 15:30, is no exception. The information provided below will help you.


For the upcoming match, the teams approach with the following head-to-head statistics: the home team DHC Plzen (W) has 6 wins (4 of them at home), while the Sokol Poruba (W) team has 9 wins (3 away). The average points scored by the hosts are 24.4, and by the guests - 26.9. The previous head-to-head match between the teams took place on 05 May 2024. It happened within the MOL Liga Women tournament, and the match ended with a score of 27:25.

DHC Plzen (W) Review

In the last 10 matches involving the team DHC Plzen (W), the following happened: they achieved 6 victories (4 of them at home), while conceding 3 defeats (1 on their own turf). The previous encounter involving the team was against Zora Olomouc (W) in the MOL Liga Women tournament. The final score of that game was 36:34. The average points scored per match by the team stopped at 30.2, conceded - 30.5.

Sokol Poruba (W) Review

In the lead-up to the next important match, the team Sokol Poruba (W) comes with the following indicators based on the results of the last 10 games: 4 wins, 2 of which were obtained away. Defeats were recorded in 6 games (3 of which were away). It is worth noting that the team scores an average of 28 per game and concedes 28.8.

The team's last match was against DHC Plzen (W). The meeting took place as part of the MOL Liga Women tournament and ended with a score of 27:25.

✅To summarize, we may say that we are anticipating a really fascinating battle between. DHC Plzen (W) - Sokol Poruba (W). The statistics we gathered above will assist you in determining the outcome of this event. Remember that before deciding on an outcome, you should consider all relevant information to ensure that your bet wins. Good luck!

Bet on Match DHC Plzen (W) vs Sokol Poruba (W): Total goals Over(52.5)

Odds: 1.26*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (10 May 2024, 19:28)

Betting Tips: DHC Plzen (W) - Sokol Poruba (W)

Over/Under predictions

DHC Plzen (W)DHC Plzen (W) scores less than 15.5 goals in the first half in 8 of the last 9 MOL Liga Women games.
1 Half, DHC Plzen (W) Total goals Under(15.5)
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